Sunday, November 16, 2008

My last cry before voting....

I have struggled with the idea of displaying my deepest thoughts and concerns about this election for many, many days but I feel as if I can wait no longer. With Election Day being 1 short day away I am very nervous for so many reasons. This election has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, he said, she said and I’m tired. I have come to the conclusion that both parties make wonderful promises but in reality, their ideas and promises are all empty until they are approved by the House and the Senate. Since Obama would have Nancy Pelosi’s House and Harry Reid’s Senate I’m guessing he could get anything passed and John McCain would get nothing passed. Having said that, all we can really judge a candidate by is what we know – their voting record, their character, and past experiences.

This year I am supporting John McCain. I draw my political conclusions from life experiences, lessons learned, research, my faith and convictions. I am not rich, nor have I ever been. In fact, it was my Mother who taught me when I was in need of a helping hand; I needed to look no further than the end of my arm. The same Mother who worked three jobs during my parents separation because she refused to take a hand out from the Government. My grandmother, born in 1921, just one year after the Suffrage was won, taught me the importance of making my female vote count. I remember going to the polls with my parents at the young age of 9 because they knew that it was important for me to see them civically involved. I remember watching Clinton’s inauguration at the age of 10 and registering to vote the day I turned 18. I am the first in my family to earn a Bachelor’s degree because I was told I could be anything I wanted to be. I haven’t been unemployed since I was 15 years old and luckily I married a man who shares the same work ethic. I’m sure we’ve already paid more taxes combined than others will pay in a lifetime.

Never in my life have I agreed 100% with any candidate and probably never will. However, I do feel that I have to vote for someone so I’m going to choose the candidate who I feel will be best for America as a whole. I have learned that candidates don’t get elected by voting alone so I have contributed hundreds of hours volunteering for candidates I believed in. When I read Psalm 139 I realize the importance of saving the unborn. Being apart of the Reagan generation, I have an extreme amount of admiration for him for having the bravery to speak out against Communism and the courage of his convictions in leading the fight to defeat it. And while many hate Bush, no one can say he isn’t a man of his word!

In regards to McCain, just consider if the boot had been on the other foot and McCain’s political career had been launched by an abortion clinic bomber, his mentor for 20 years had been a Ku Klux Klansman, and he had paid nearly a million dollars to far-right militias who strong-armed voters into fraudulent registrations.

Of course, there is no suggestion here that Obama supports terrorism or intimidation - please do not misunderstand. But the question is whether through expediency or ideological sympathy or a combination of the two, he has allowed himself to be associated with thinking that threatens the basic values of America and Western society.

What’s really incredible is that a man with such a background in anti-Western thinking can now stand on the verge of becoming the leader of the free world.

I hate to say it but in this election it may not be so much of what I’m voting for, but what I’m voting against.

Keep in mind; this is my well researched opinion, conviction, and vote – not yours. The content below is not attacking anyone, it’s the truth. Acknowledging Obama’s voting record and associations are not smear or negative. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. I do not expect you to agree or support me nor do I desire your feedback! This is not a forum and I’m not looking for anyone to change my mind as you would be unsuccessful. In addition to his “change” I have made a list below of a few other things Barack Obama can keep.

Keep your associations with domestic terrorists. My Mother always told me perception is reality and that bad company corrupts good characeter!Keep your most liberal rated seat in the Senate.Keep Louis Farrakhan’s admiration.Keep your "present" vote on HB 854 that protected the privacy of sex-abuse victims by allowing petitions to have the trial records sealed. He was the only member to not support the bill.Keep your "present" vote on two parental notification abortion bills (HB 1900 and SB 562) that sought to protect a child if it survived a failed abortion. Keep your "present" vote on SB 609, a bill prohibiting strip clubs and other adult establishments from being within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, and daycares. In fact, keep about 100 of your “present” votes. I’ll let you have 30 or so.Keep your American dream up to $250,000 or is it $200,000 or is it $150,000? It’s getting hard to keep up with the number since it changes so much. AMERICANS – wake up! Keep Reverend Wright and his incredibly crazy beliefs and bitterness towards America.Keep your broken promise to John McCain and enjoy your privately financed campaign.Keep your zero percent rating from National Right to Life.Keep your 14 percent rating from the National Tax Limitation Committee.Keep your 28% rating from the National Small Business Association.Keep your “F” rating from the NRA. I’m busy ‘clinging to my guns and religion.’Keep your promises to help the low class while your brother and aunt live in poverty. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you spreading your wealth around a little. Don’t you have an extra bedroom in Hyde Park? Keep your lousy maximum of 6% in charitable giving. I thought you cared about the poor? Perhaps you think it’s the government’s job – not yours. Keep your ability to give a well spoken stump speech from a teleprompter. Keep your refusal to do town hall style meetings across America with John McCain.Keep your stance against gay marriage while opposing proposition 8 in California.Keep your stance on the Fairness Doctrine – I’ll enjoy listening to whomever I wish.Keep your negative attitude and hostility towards America. The same country that thousands of people risk their life for every day – voluntarily as we have not reinstated the draft. The same country where thousands risk their lives for illegal entry into a land that gives them hope and opportunity that their countries do not provide.Keep your ‘spread the wealth’ comments to yourself – Karl Marx isn’t too popular in the US.Keep your ability to blind the masses with you smooth style and articulate rhetoric. Who cares about voting records when you are a great speaker?Keep James Johnson, Former Fannie Mae CEO, on your VP vetting committee. I’m glad you could dismiss the 2 million in home loans he received at below average market rates from Countywide or the 1.9 million performance bonus he earned from manipulating accounting practices while at Fannie Mae.Keep your hard fought attempt to be everyone to everybody. You are not a centrist – you are the MOST Liberal Senator in the US.

And lastly Barack Obama and Obama supporters– KEEP YOUR CHANGE! I love my country!