Monday, December 29, 2008

Not my New Years Resolutions

After reading hours of the nienie dialogues I have been feeling very inspired to be a better person in so many ways which resulted in me making a list. These are not my New Years Resolutions although I did keep my resolution from last year and for the first time in my life I have long (er) natural nails. Doesn't sound like a big deal but I've been biting my nails since I've had teeth. Now, the list.....

Love Deeply...... my husband, my family, my friends
Spend time with God
Get up by 7am everyday and walk my dog
Run in the Cooper River Bridge 10K
Vacuum everyday, mop every other day, keep my house clean always
Have dinner parties and cookouts
Call people
Continue making my home beautiful
Plant Half Runner Green Beans in my garden this year....maybe zuchinni too

Be Contagious
Exemplify the Fruits of the Spirit

The toughest....French Fries one day a week only!!!