Friday, February 20, 2009

A "ruff" start.

Which is it? Ruff? Rough? I'll look that up. For the sake of this post I'll say "ruff."

So, this morning I was tending to my semi-dog sitting duties for some dear friends/neighbors and thought I would be a good parent and take Shelbs and Rudy to run around for a bit. Bad Idea!

All was well with Bo (neighbor's dog) and as I was locking the gate behind me Shelby saw a chance and pulled right out from her leash. FABULOUS! Needless to say I got at least a mile jog in this morning. After peeing in several yards, barking at the garbage men, and a half mile later I started praying. "God, please help me catch Shelby. God, please open Shelby's ears to listen to me. God, please don't let any cars come." Ha! I'm sure You are laughing at my prayers but you know, I believe God cares about the small things too :)

About 2 or 3 minutes later some nice neighbor on the fffaarrr end of my neighborhood let her pack of dogs out. Her dogs are obviously much better than my Shelby. They can be trusted outside without a leash. So, as they ran over to greet Shelby and by greet I mean sniffing and smelling her rear side I was able to slip her leash back on. HALLELUJAH!

Today I'm grateful for God answering a prayer - already! I'm grateful for the nice lady in my neighborhood and the golden retriever and black lab who helped me catch Shelby! I'm also so proud of my little Rudy! His little legs kept up with me and Shelby the whole time! I'm beginning to love that little dog!

For now, since my camera is broken, her is a pic of my wild dog who is ALWAYS ready for adventure!